

Copyright Claim

All documents on this website (www.tian-run.com) belong to the copyright owner and have not been authorized to any other party. The files are limited to the use of Company image demonstration and non-commercial purposes. Without permission from copyright owner, anyone is prohibited to copy, distribute, display, mirror, upload or download the files(including but not limited to the above content) in an illegal manner, otherwise the copyright owner shall investigate its legal responsibility in accordance with the law.


All images, models, text descriptions, etc, are only available as reference information, not as commitment or offer of the Company.The copyright owner is entitled to modify contents on this website(www.tian-run.com) at any time without any notice. The copyright owner does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or latest data published on this website.

Developer's Claim

The description of any projects on this website(www.tian-run.com) are for reference only, and are subject to the final approval documents from the Government. The relationship between the seller and the buyer of the housing products is subject to the purchase contract signed between both parties. The copyright owner and the developer are not responsible for any loss to any party in transactions based on the contents of the website.